THE HEALTH SYSTEM endured the 2011



The public health system held his face in 2011 despite the crisis. In fact, according to theHealth Barometer has been released todayachieves the highest mark in satisfaction, as indicated by the general secretary of Health, Pilar Farjas: 6.59, two hundredths more than in 2010. In contrast, decreases eight tenths, to 72.1%, the proportion of those who think that works very well or fairly well but needs changes. Keep in mind that the survey was done last year, so the latest measures (changing the copayment,medicamentazo, Review of the portfolio of services) were not even on the table.This good opinion is most evident when you ask users (7,800 interviews in three groups from February to October, 2011) whether they would prefer to something private healthcare.Neither in primary care, pediatrics, emergency or hospitalization is no doubt: there are more than 25 points of difference between those who prefer public. Only in the case of specialized consultations approximate percentages: 49.5% prefer the national health system and 41.6% private.When asked the reasons, the private is still valued, above all, for their hospitality (most comfortable) and prompt attention.

Users are given a 7.05 out of 10 to the smoking banThis last aspect is related to something that is a negative constant in these reports that are made from 1995: citizens do not appreciate improvements in waiting lists. The time taken care specialists from calling for quotes and delayed revenue nonurgent hospital suspended in the opinion of the citizens,with virtually the same note as in 2010.In fact, 45.1% believe that remain the same. And 18.2% say they have improved, exactly the same proportion of those who say it has worsened.Farjas highlighted an aspect related to the measures that have been taken by this government: the whole packaging saves 48.6% from medications that have been prescribed, which could mean about 45 million boxes. This could be a sort of advance purchase, with no long-term effect on public accounts-if not because 35% say then do not use them because they change the treatment.So Farjas indicated that an estimated 10% of prescription drugs dispensed never consumed. The general secretary declined to give a number of possible cost of these containers.

The Barometer also asks about the smoking ban which came into force last year. Users rate an 7.05 out of 10 that's right, and scored a 4.76 which "needs to be adapted for the benefit of smokers". Asked, Farjas not go into "hypotheses" about possible changes as requested by Eurovegas because he said there was still no request.

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