Robotic arm to give autonomy to the disabled
Currently has 100 residents and 23 in day center and 75% dedicated to research and 25% to the treatment care.
The device will improve your ability to communicate

David Alonso, responsible for the implementation of the project, showing the device. SERGIO FERRERO
Patricia Ferrero / San Andres
The State Reference Center of San Andrés del Rabanedo (CRE) presented yesterday an armmechanical allow people with severe disability, greater autonomy for the use of an arm tecnologías.El consisteen automated device with which the user can use your tablet without any tipoayuda.
As explained David Alonso Rodriguez, one of those responsible for the project implementation, the device represents a breakthrough for estecolectivo empower people, as it is emplazadodetrás the wheelchair, allowing move normally. The user can activarlocon a button and if the personano want to continue using it, press the button again and the device vuelvea retract into the back of the chair.
The prototype is a very robust system, but with very little weight. The intention is to prevent the battery of the chair will suffer. It also allows various positions, taking into account whether the person is left or right handed.
"This project arises from the need to seek greater independence of disabled users and increase their quality of life," says Nuria Mendoza, the Center has sidodirectora so far.
In its short life, the CRE has managed to carry out 35 projects. "It is considered the best center in Europe and within tecnologíaestamos on top," said Mendoza.