


Orthopedists are confident that there will be no copay on their products

"Economic decisions the Brussels mark, then finally Madrid Sevilla, but the political will of the Government of Andalusia is no copayment apply orthopedic products, and are still free to users." The president of the Andalusian Society of Orthotists Prosthetists (Sadop), Miguel Angel Garcia, summarized the commitments made by health authorities in the meetings he had with the industry.

The pharmaceutical copayment entered into force on July 1st and according to the decree of the Central Government, the same should be implemented for orthopedic products from October. The provision leaves open the possibility that the regions expand supply and ensure the free provided they can fund it. From the Office of Health notes that the system is, for now, remains unchanged, that is, that continues the free-at the expense ofleeway to allow policy development to the regions.

The orthopedic concern is not trivial. For two reasons. The first is that, unlike the drugs in which stops are provided to co in the case of orthopedic products there is no such limit. The second is that these items are significantly more expensive than most medicines. While in a syrup of 5 euros a copayment of 50% means 2.5 euros, in templates, whose price is around 70 euros, 35 euros would. And there are items that cost 250 euros, including wheelchairs, 1000, as a brace for scoliosis, or until 3000, as a prosthetic leg. "For the industry, the Board does not implant the copayment is a certain relief because if the users have to copagar, lower demand," said Garcia. In the autonomous community sector employs 1,500 direct workers in 160 companies.

The delivery is free orthopedic three decades in Andalusia. The region would be one of the most affected by the decree if finally implemented because it's unique to Spain that includes templates in your catalog. Although the SAS only covers a single pair a year, the user does not cost anything. In the region there are 700,000 people who use a productorthopedics. Over half employ templates. Only in this article, if the Board does not maintain the gratuity, patients pay 0 euro would have to pay about 35.
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