Are these physical and mechanical reasoning which lead to R & D Dept of Orliman has designed a line of knee, ankle and elbow pads, elastic textiles from incorporating silicone components getting a perfect fit and compression as morphological changes happen.


As the synthetic polymer is comprised of silicon and oxygen silicon resultingparticular set of properties that make it an ideal material for the manufacture of medical devices and in particular in orthopedic products. Flexible and soft, will not stain or wear out, corrode, age, or exudes, being respectful of materials that are in contact, offering great resistance to all types of use, not to be polluting.
Are your properties especially bio-compatibility, making it ideal for use in orthopedic technology, as do support bacterial growth, being odorless, tasteless, non-corrosive to other materials. Besides their electrical properties and chemical resistance are its mechanical properties tensile strength of 70 kg / cm ² with an elongation averaged 400% Securities held to long exposure in extreme temperatures, allowing us to use in compression damping systems and selective in orthopedic garments.
Among the many applications of the silicone in the orthoprosthetic has resulted in vast plantar orthoses as shock absorption method.
"The heel impact forces on a solid surface during normal human ranges between 120% - 165% of human body weight, while in the race to 12.6 km / h, the forces reach 245% of the weight the human body.(AND COLL PLAS 1983) ".Some work as the publication:(Effects of silicon-CHANG GUNG insoles Med J 1998; 21:20-7)have proposed methods of measuring forces cizayamiento foot under the effect of the templates or silicone orthotics.
By(THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOMECHANICS CLEMSON UNIVERSITY, SOUTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 24-27, 1997),Thanks to the properties of the silicone can get a load distribution at the points where we find a high plantar pressure.
Apart from the injuries of the spine, especially with frequent overload conditions are, knee, ankle, elbow and shoulder joints both in working and in the sports, require more attention orthoses.
The incorporation of viscoelastic elements such as silicones anatomically designed and incorporated into the preparation and manufacturing process ankle, elbow, knee etc., provide a selective compression in the desired areas and a micro to avoid adhesions during joint activity. In turn to be a memory elastomer suffer some shape and volume variations adapted to the morphological changes that occurred during the move, keeping the compression and absorption of forces without losing its mechanical properties whileloads and joint movements occur, regaining its original shape.

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