Back JAY Fit
Before you place an order for these items, we recommend you get in touch with us to check the sizes available, both in width and height, as well as the type of case.
Provides multiple opportunities for positioning and growth
- Lightweight, adjustable contoured with large contact area improves trunk stability, comfort and reduces the patient's tone spastic
- Aluminum plate with universal plate for headrests
- Posteroanterior pelvic side brackets for positioning of the pelvis and spine growth in the midline
- Anchors subsequent adjustments in depth, width, height and angle
- Cover breathable. Optional incontinence resistant and color (blue, red, purple andpink)
Clinical indications:
- Designed to fit the child's growth
- Early clinical intervention to maximize functional ability and Child Development
- Ideal to give scoliotic deviations brackets cerebral palsy or similar
Great trunk stability
With its anatomical shape and multiple settings, backup Jay Fit gives the patient greater comfort and independence, providing trunk stability and proper positioning. There thoracic lateral supports, and posterolateral adjustable pelvic supports.

Anchors later
Subsequent anchors allow a wide variety of settings in depth and back angle. Jay Fit can be placed in chairs with widths from 25 to 49 cm width

Housing support Jay Fit
Aluminum plate with universal mounting plate headrest and guides for coupling additional restraints
Width: | 25-45 cm (to see size availability, see the order form) |
Height: | 25-55 cm (to see size availability, see the order form) |
Type of cover: | Breathable. Incontinence resistant optional, and in different colors |
Max user: | 113 kg |