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D & B DUNS® Number

It is a unique nine-digit code that can identify and link more than 73 million companies worldwide. In today's global economy, Universal Numbering System D & B DUNS number, has become the standard for locating businesses worldwide.

What is the D & B DUNS Number?

The D & B DUNS Number is a sequence of distinctive nine-digit identification of D & B, which binds it to quality information on products and services originating exclusively in D & B. This code tends to become the universal standard on all e-commerce, including Internet transactions, something like the fingerprint of a company.

The D & B DUNS Numbers are the key to building familiescompanies. Each company has a unique DUNS number. D & B links these numbers identifying the affiliated company's main corporate, and its subsidiaries and branches. D & B has more than 73 million linked companies.

The D & B DUNS Number, as a common identifier companies, is internationally recognized in EDI and global electronic commerce transactions. The standards setting organizations most influential in the world, over 50 commercial and industrial associations and the US Federal Government recognize, recommend and / or require the D & B DUNS Number.

The DUNS Number is a standard identification code of business around the world, recognized by the United Nations, the Government of the United States and other institutions.