Silvio Orthopedics certified company in Myobock system

Orthopedics Silvio MyoBock system certified company


Silvio Us Orthopedics, sl, is certified in the MyoBock system.

The company zaragozana Orthopedics Silvio sl, is certified in the MyoBock system, the multinational company Otto Bock.

Thus, Orthopedics Silvio, a step forward in the quality of their product as, and wide supply their customers with a specific muty preparedness products of upper limb, thus giving a standard of quality marked by the German company and latest technology.

The focus of this certification is based on comprehensive knowledge of Otto Bock components and its technical application, excluding those components that require separate certification.

This certificate is awarded to Silvio sl Orthopedics, because they have bought the special tools required for measurement.

Among the lessons learned include;

- Functional Data Station.

- Evaluation of EMG signals Myo Boy.

- Component Selection and simulations.

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