Super maneuverable walker Delta
Super maneuverable walker Delta

Andador super maniobrable Delta

AD240 - EAN 010C

Three-wheeled walker super-maneuverable

Provision Code 12060003

Three-wheeled walker designed especially for maneuvering in tight spaces. With a minimum turning radius can rotate on itself even in narrow aisles.

The cuffs are adjustable in height and brakes lead to better control the fly. Includes a handy basket and a tray to move objects from one place to another in the house and also a bag to carry more discrete objects if the trips are external.

Folds easily to save comfortably, for example behind a door, or easy transport.

Modelwidthbackgroundhigh adjustabletotal weightmaximum weight
AD240 64 cm 58 cm 80-93 cm 6.2 kg 150 kg
New product
1 Reviews

Andador tres ruedas
Lo compramos a i padre porque es el que mas le gusto de los que vimos,la verdad que prece un juguete al lado del que tenia hace ya unos años color gris. Los frenos un acierto.